Click anywhere on the page where the numbering is starting over at “1.” If you’re not in the Header and Footer view, select the Insert tab, click Footer and click Edit Footer.Follow these steps to correct the problem: If you see page numbers reverting back to “1” in the body of your document, it’s likely this is occurring at a section break. Fix page numbers from beginning to Chapter 1įix page numbers starting over at “1” in body of document.Fix page numbers starting over at "1" in body of document.If page numbers do not display properly, select the solution you need and follow the steps below. As you work with your document, inadvertently deleting or modifying page-numbering components can cause some issues. This system of page counting and displaying page numbers is built into the template and shouldn’t require any attention. With Word Show/Hide turned on, they look like this: =Section Break (Next Page)= Section breaks are used to control page numbering.Starting at Chapter 1: Page numbering begins with “1” and is displayed in Arabic numbers (1, 2, 3) through the rest of the document.Table of Contents page up to Chapter 1: Lowercase Roman numerals continue counting and ARE displayed.Title page up to Table of Contents: Page numbering begins with "i" in lowercase Roman numerals (i, ii, iii) and is NOT displayed.The page count begins with the very first page of your ETDR.