The laptop you use does not have to be an expensive, top of the line laptop.

The next tool you are going to need to tune your own vehicle is a laptop to install the required software on. You also want to have an oil pressure gauge on hand to help identify if things are going wrong. They give a much more accurate reading, and an exhaust gas temperature gauge (also known as EGT) can help confirm the measurement obtained. As the name suggests, a wideband O2 gauge is meant to measure air to fuel ratios over a broad range of operating conditions unlike narrowband O2 sensors which can only measure between about 14:1 and 15:1 air/fuel ratios. When tuning your vehicle, you want to get the clearest and most complete picture of your vehicle’s performance, and each one of these gauges, along with the Dyno, will help do this for you. Some examples of gauges relevant to tuning your vehicle include a wideband O2 gauge, exhaust gas temperature gauge, and oil pressure gauge. When tuning your vehicle, you are going to want a slew of properly functioning gauges to ensure everything is going well and to help guide you through the tuning. There are various places in the Los Angeles area that provide this service such as Los Angeles Calibration in Carson California. You can rent out a dynamometer by the hour or day. Since you are only trying to simulate driving on a road and getting the readings, renting out a Dyno is a great idea. It is also able to inform you of your vehicle’s top speed without having to test it out for yourself and risking getting a ticket or worse.Īlthough the readings provided by a Dyno are extremely important for tuning your own vehicle, you likely will not be able to purchase one for yourself since they cost tens of thousands of dollars. With the use of a Dyno, you will be able to test your vehicle’s torque, rotational speed, and other things to establish how much power your vehicle’s engine has. To avoid the dangers of testing on the road, a Dyno, short for dynamometer, should be used to test your vehicle’s performance. You can readily find ECU reflashing tools on performance parts websites. Before purchasing an ECU reflashing tool, be sure that it is compatible with your vehicle since many are not universal. There are many ECU reflashing tools on the market such as Cobb Tuning, Motec, and ECUmaster’s reflashing tool. On the other hand, others completely replace the original ECU. This new map will alter how your vehicle responds to sensor readings so that you can get the most out of your vehicle. An ECU reflashing tool, sometimes also known as an ECU piggyback, can be used to erase the EEPROM and replace it with a new engine control map. This is where the first tool on the list comes in. If you have one of the top 5 upcoming cars in 2021 and want to enhance its performance, you will need to bypass this chip somehow. Generally, the ECU will have an Electronically Erasable Reprogrammable Read Only Memory chip (also known as EEPROM), limiting alterations made to the ECU. Your engine control unit is a type of electronic control unit that reads sensors from your vehicle’s engine bay, interprets it using performance maps, then adjusts your vehicle’s engine’s various actuators based on the results. When tuning your vehicle, you are trying to alter your vehicle’s engine control unit (often called your vehicle’s ECU) so that you can “tap” into the additional power that the ECU is limiting. The following are 5 tools you are going to want to have for tuning your own vehicle: 1) An ECU Reflashing Tool Although it is generally best for most people to have their vehicle professionally tuned to improve performance, if you are capable of overcoming this task, it is a very rewarding project. Unlike the tips for cleaning your vehicle’s interior, tuning your own vehicle can be difficult for novices and should only be done by experienced and auto-savvy car owners. If you want to electronically adjust and customize the settings of your vehicle’s computer with the goal of optimizing your vehicle’s performance, you are going to need to have the tools required to tune your vehicle.